Growing in Christ Newsletter

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Volume 4 Issue 9 ***Final Edition***

From a purely selfish perspective Growing in Christ has served its purpose: making the transition from ministry to normalcy. GiC’s mission to stimulate one’s understanding of the theology underlying contemporary Christianity in terms of Scripture, Tradition, Experience and Reason necessarily had to first apply to myself, and from this process I have come to accept two “truths”: 1) I am no longer in ministry; and 2) genuine theological questing is extremely limited in its appeal (ironically, even in the church). While my personal quest will continue, there is no longer a good reason to conduct it publicly.

This website will continue to be accessible until the current contract with the provider expires (May 2006), at which time the domain name, etc, will revert to public availability. With daughter Rachel’s help, the “links” page will serve a more important purpose of referral to existing websites that, in my estimation, are doing the best job of presenting a progressive point of view to those who are interested in such a thing. The “sermons” page will serve a dual function of archiving past meditations as well as any new entries that will more appropriately adopt an online journal format.

On this fourth anniversary of the day that so dramatically and profoundly changed the heart, mind and soul of America forever, I can only encourage enlightened persons of all faiths and persuasions to not abandon what my father labeled “an endless search” for the Truth. That is where the Christ is to be discovered, and from that point of discovery one enters into an ongoing quest that—although it will never supply the comfort and security of absolute answers—provides the peace and courage to forge into the unknown with unquenchable faith.

So on I go not knowing;
I would not if I might;
I would rather walk in the dark with God
Than walk alone in the light;
I would rather walk with him by faith,
Than walk alone by sight.
--Mary Brainard
